Congo is a vast country located in the heart of Africa containing some of Africa's most unique and undiscovered attractions waiting to be experienced.
It is bordered in East by Lake Albert, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Kivu. It has 10 provinces: Bandundu, bas Congo, Equateur, Kasai Occidental, Kasai Orientale, Katanga, Kinshasa, Maniema, North kivu, South kivu, Oriental. Congo has many beautiful and wild national parks (including Park National de Virunga, the worlds oldest), untamed rivers, virgin forest, and active volcanoes among others.Virunga National Parks located in the Eastern Democratic of the Congo, along the border with Rwanda and Uganda.
encomparasses also an unparalled variety of landscapes: the snow peaks and
glaciers of the fabled Ruwenzori Mountains, great lakes tropical lowland
forests, mountain forest, the grass land savannas of the Rwindi plains and a
vast mosaic of rivers and wetlands besides. In terms of species diversity, it is
also Africa's most rich protected area.In Congo, one can find species that cannot be found anywhere else in the
world e.g. Okapis, Bonobos and eastern lowland Gorillas.
Main Attractions in congo include
Okapi Tour and travel Company offers the following Itenaries in congo
If there is one park in all of Africa you should visit, it is Virunga National Park. See amany different kind of animals e.g. the eastern low land gorillas, hippos,.... Read more
home of lowland Gorillas, See the lions, Chimpanzees, baboons and Monkies, snakes. Also visit pygmy villages on park outskirts...
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In this city you can visit the cathedral, the cathedral, the big brewery, the publics and busy market, the hydro electric center, the very famous hospital called PANZI and ....
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Winding streams amongst the plains create ideal refuges for hippo populations, lions, leopard and elephants. It is possible to.....
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The Ruwenzori range is Africa's most mysterious.The highest peak is Marguerite that still very much for experienced alpinists.
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What still in Mount Hoyo are its numerous caves. These caves have special significance to the pygmies used frequently in the 19th century to elude Arab slave traders
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A lake of hot lava, there is only a few of them in the world.So if you want an impressive lava lake, you have one good option: Nyiragongo. .....
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It is one of the DRCongo's best connected cities. In the year of 2002 the looming Nyiragongo volcano erupted and the lava buried most of the town's streets. Other attractions are: green lake ,lava that burnt the town in 2002, touristic market called Virunga,....
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Idjwi Island, the biggest island in the DRC, lies in Lake Kivu. A journey to the island will expose you to the culture therein, including fishing and agriculture.
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Come and see the Okapi ( animal only found in congo), village pygmies,Arabia water fall....
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With a total length of 4700kms, the Congo River is the second largest in Africa. See also the famous world famous Wagenia fisheries,....
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